Tomb of the Mask is an arcade game with an infinite procedurally generated vertical labyrinth. Seeking for adventure you get into a tomb where you find a strange mask. You put it on and suddenly realize that you can now climb walls - easily and promptly. And that's when all the fun begins.
You'll face a variety of traps, enemies, game mechanics and power-ups. And as far as time doesn't wait, get a grip and up you go.
Tomb of the Mask was originally an app game so its controls are based on swiping and tapping. Those have easily translated to playing on a Web Browser.
✿ Up Arrow - Move Up
✿ Down Arrow - Move Down
✿ Left Arrow - Move Left
✿ Right Arrow - Move Right
✿ Left Mouse Button - Click
The goal of the game is to complete puzzles. Each puzzle is a contained room and you need to complete it by coloring the whole floor with the hero. Every time the hero moves, they move in a straight line until they hit an obstacle, coloring the floor as they go. Once the whole floor is colored, you can move on to the next puzzle. As you move through puzzles, you'll need to evade anything that's a different color from the room as contact means death and the puzzle will reset.